Introductory Unit:
1.) Heart- the center of the human person; where all your desires work; where all your decisions are made; ("Locus of the person")
2.) Desire- the nature of existence (can only be answered by something external.)
3.) Reality- the state of things as they actually exist.
4.) 4 Truths of the "I":
-I did not make myself
-We all have desires that are unlimited (we all want things)
-We are limited (our abilities are limited)
-We expect to be happy.
5.) Religious Sense- a factual issue to which the human heart is naturally predisposed.
6.) Ontology- reason, sense, meaning (ontos = "being")
7.) Being- existence
Anointing of the Sick:
1.) Suffering- the bearing of pain or distress.
2.) Original Sin- Sin that all humans are born with due to the first sin of Adam and Eve, that broke the beautiful bond between God and humans.
3.) History of the sick being healed by the Church:
-ex: In the Bible, it tells of Jesus curing the blind and deaf, and healing those with Leprosy.
4.) Who administers the sacrament?
- A priest or decon
5.) Who can recieve the sacrament?
- Anyone who is gravely ill and in danger of dying, and who requests for the sacrament to be administered to them.
6.) Celebration of the Sacrament- it is preformed when one is very ill and in danger of dying.
7) Four main effects of the sacrament:
- Union with the Passion of Christ
- Grace to prepare for their meeting with God
- Fortitude
- Forgiveness of sins (aid in the salvation of their soul).
1.) Penance- repentance of sins
2.) Confession- the means by which God forgives sins after Baptism
3.) Ten Commandments- the commandments, or ten rules that God gave to the human people. (These include not having any other gods before him, the one true God (1), not taking the Lord's name in vain (2), Keeping holy the Sabbath Day (3), Honoring thy father and mother (4), etc.).
4.) Absolution- forgiveness of your sins
5.) Mortal Sin- a willful rejection of a perfect realtion with God.
6.) Original Sin- Sin that all humans are born with due to the first sin of Adam and Eve, that broke the beautiful bond between God and humans.
7.) Personal Sin- the source of social sin
8.) Who forgives sin?
- God alone.
9.) What is the role of the priest?
- The priest acts as a representative for God during Confession.
10.) How often should one attend confession?
- A practicing Catholic is asked to atend confession at least once a year.
1.) Abortion- the direct and purposeful taking of the life of the unborn child.
2.) Annulment- a finding that there was only a putative marriage under canon law.
3.) Purpose of Marriage- procreation
4.) Natural Family Planning- approved method of family planning for Christians.
5.) Grace- a supernatural push or encouragement
6.) Domestic Church- religious family
7.) Creation- the concept that matter comes from God.
Holy Orders:
1.) Diocese- the district or see under the supervision of a bishop.
2.) Vicar- representative, deputy or substitute
3.) Synod of Bishops- an advisory body for the Pope
4.) Ecumenical Council- a conference of ecclesiastical dignitaries and theological experts convened to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine and practice.[
5.) Infallibility- the belief that the Holy Spirit will not allow the Church to err in its belief or teaching under certain circumstances.
6.) Parish- the lowest ecclesiastical geographical subdivision (diocese, deanery, parish)
7.) Stole- A narrow band of silk or stuff, sometimes enriched with embroidery and jewels,
worn on the left shoulder of deacons, and across both shoulders of bishops and
1.) Definition- the rite of adoption of someone into the Christian Church.
2.) Proper Matter- (flowing) water
3.) Correct Words/ Form:
-"I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" with triple pour of water.
4.) Designated Minister:
-Bishop, Priest ofr Decon (in emergency anyone who intends to offer Baptism).
5.) Cradle vs. Convert- Someone who is baptized as a baby and who does not have the ability to choose for themselves, versus someone who wants to enter into the Catholic Church as an adult.
6.) White Garment:
-Symbolizes the purity of the Spirit as it enters into you at Baptism.
-Symbolizes the cleansing of Original Sin.
1.)Definition- the sacrament the "completes Baptism"; you become an adult in the church, by reaffirming your Baptismal promises.
2.)Proper Matter:
-Anionting with Chrism
3.)Correct Words/ Form:
- "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" with oil on the forehead in the sign of the Cross.
4.)Designated Minister:
- Bishop
-Oil on forehead
6.) Holy Spirit- the guideance of God for humans on Earth.
7.) Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Gifts that the Holy Spirit brings upon the newly confirmed:
- Wisdom
- Right Judgement
-Wonder and Awe
1.) Consecration- The act of blessing the bread and wine, and God transforming it into the body and blood of his son, Jesus Christ (as he showed his Apostles and Disciples at the Last Supper).
2.)Transubstantiation- the act of the bread and wine transforming into the body and blood of Jesus.
3.) Other names for the Eucharist- Holy Communion
4.) Biblical Basis- Sacrifice to God (they would slaughter a goat on an altar as a sacrifice to God, however after Jesus came, he showed them the perfect sacrifice that we could make to God: the sacrifice of his own son, Jesus- his body and blood, which we offer up to him at mass).
5.) Proper Matter:
-Wheat based Bread and pure grape wine.
6.) Correct Words/ Form:
-The words of Institution: "This is my body.... This is the chalice of my blood..."
7.) Designated Minister:
-Bishop or Priest
Welcome to my World Religions Blog!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Universal Call to Holiness
In one of his several addresses to the Catholic Community, Monsignor Guissiani uses a quote from T.S. Elliot to describe how the Catholic Church and mankind have equally failed each other. In Elliot's quote, he states that: "if I need something, I chase after it if it goes away." We keep pushing God's call to us aside, as our everyday lives rush by. We are putting off the call to holiness by the fact that we always see that the present time is in fact the wrong time to respond to his call. We see other things as more or equally as important, and we tend to place those things above him. However, along with our physical and mental sluggishness, which makes us lax in this area, it is the fact only caused by the “but [also] the interior sluggishness of our hearts.” As the author Seghers presents in his article, “We [all Christians] need to be clear that there will never be a better time or a better set of circumstances than now to respond wholeheartedly to the call to holiness.” He goes on to say that "now is the acceptable time", and that "the very things that we falsely judge as obstacles are the very means God gives us to draw us to surrender more deeply on Him."
I personally believe that this quote implies for the everyday Catholic to "not be discouraged by by these painful moments of our transformation but to accept that they're a necessary and blessed part of the whole process." "It is essential for all those who want to spend eternity with God." It says in the Bible, (John, Ch 15:5), that "Without [him], we can do nothing. Without God, sucessfully completing the journey is impossible, but with Him, in a sense, we are already there."
I believe that by "say[ing] who Christ is" without shame, we fully declare ourselves as Christians, and by doing this we are finally accepting his call and his will for us. When we are ashamed to accept him, we are not only rejecting God and all of his great works, but we are failing to fulfill the vows that we promised, and agreed to, both at Baptism and Confirmation.
Jim Segher, the author of The Call to
Holiness, notes that: “an intimate union with God is possible in this
life for everyone who will surrender to it, and work toward it with God’s grace.” As we [the Christians of the world] seek the perfect union with God, we only need to accept his will for us, and be constantly pursuing this call.
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