Personally, my happiness consists of several factors that are the most important to me, in my life. One of these factors is my family. For example, my family is so important to me, because they are always supporting, and encouraging me in all of my endeavors. They have given me so much and I am so grateful for all of the sacrifices that they make, in order for me to be able to continue living with the luxuries that I have in my life, today. They sacrifice so much to send my entire family, including (my four other sibilings), to a private school, and I am so happy to be able to afford this luxury, as so many other people cannot. Also, the experiences, and memories that I share with my family are also very important, to me, in my life. The memories, and experiences that we all share together play such an important role in my life.
My friends are another important factor. My friends are also a major part of my happiness, because they are so supportive, and understanding. I am so lucky to have friends that care about who I am, and if I did not have those people in my life, then I would not be the same person that I am today.
Another important factor is the fact that I have been going to a Catholic school for 13 years. I have always been surrounded by people who are encouraging me to try new things, and by people who truly care about other's happiness. I am so thankful that I am able to attend a private school, especially for this matter.
It consists of just the "smaller things" in life, things that other people usually don't take the time to look at, because they are just too busy with other things, but I love to look at nature, and just to be outside. It is so peaceful, and it keeps me calm, if, (and when) I am stressed out.
Finally, my happiness also consists of the health and well- being of everyone that I love, and care about. This includes my family, friends, and other people that support and encourage me, such as my teachers, and my parents. I am so blessed that my family and friends, are happy, and healthy.
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