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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hinduism Chapter Review

1.) Explain the meaning of the term Moksha.
Moksha means "liberation". A Hindu can achieve moksha through good karma. You strengthen your karma through darma (your "ethical duty".).

2.) What doctrine says that all reality is ultimately one? Give an analogy that describes it.
Monism is the doctrine that states that all reality is ultimately one. One analogy of monism is that rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans appear quite different, however they are all made up of water.

3.) Define Brahman and Atman. How are the two related?
Brahman is the "essence of all things". Brahman is the ground of a Hindu's existence, and the "source of the universe". Similarly, Atman is the "eternal self". It is the "ultimate reality" within a Hindu.
4.) What is the general function of Hinduism's many deities?
Hindu's believe that all 330 million deities are extensions of one ultimate reality. ("many names for one ocean, many "masks for one God".).

5.) Give a brief explanation of the doctrine of Samsara.
Samsara means "wheel of rebirth". It is the doctrine that states that the individual is reincarnated from one life- form to another.

6.) What is the name of Hinduism's most popular, sacred text?
The most popular, sacred text in Hinduism is the Rig- Veda. It is over 4,000 years old (it is from about 1500 B.C.).

7.) According to Hinduism, what are the two principles that connect the divine to this world? Briefly explain each.
The two divine principles that connect the divine to this world are karma and dharma. Karma means "action" or "deeds". It determines all the particular circumstances and situations of one's life. Dharma is a Hindu's "ethical duty", based on the divine order of reality. Dharma is "the complete rule of life".

8.) Name the four classes of the caste system, and describe the people who belong to each:
        1.) Brahmins: made up of the wealthy/ Priests
        2.) Kshatryias: made up of knights/ soldiers and administrators
        3.)Vaishyas: made up of producers, such as farmers, merchants, and artisans.
        4.) Shudras: composed of servants and laborers.

9.) In the Bhagavad- Gita, why does Krishna encourage Arjuna to engage in war?
Krishna encourages Arjuna by telling him that noen of the people that he will fight actually  exist. He tells Arjuna that although he fears fo the lives of his family members and friends on the opposing side, no harm will actually come to them, as their souls are unbreakable. Even if their physical beign falls in this life, their soul remains intact, and is able to return to Earth in a different form.

10.) Identify and briefly explain the four stages of life:
        1.) The Student- studies the Veda (intense study of the Vedas).
        2.) The Housekeeper- assigned the tasks of pursuing a career, and raising a family.
        3.) The Forest Dweller-  marked by the birth of the first grandchild, the individual retreats from worldly bonds in order to engage fully in a soiritual quest.
        4.) Sannyasin- the individual becomes a "wandering ascetic", and (if he chooses) returns to society after being apart for the "Forest Dweler" stage.

11.) Name and briefly describe the four goals of life:
        1.) Sensual Pleasure- Karma
        2.) Material Wealth- Artha
        3.) Doing your Duty- Dharma
        4.) Bliss- Moksha

12.) Identify the three paths to liberation. Which person is best suited for each path?
        1.) Karma- Those who do work. Thoser who actively do good.
        2.) Bhakti Marga- Those who are devoted.  People who devote themselves to a particular god.
        3.) Jhana Marga- Knowledge. Those who pursue Hindi philosophy.

13.) What are the three most important schools of Hindu philosophy? What is the basic task that concers all three?
        1.) Vedanta
        2.) Sankhya
        3.) Yoga

The basic task that contains all three is Maya ("cosmic illusion").

14.) Identify three important gods or goddesses of Hinduism:
        1.) Vishnu
        2.) Shiva
        3.) Kali

15.) What is an avitar? Name two important Hindu figures identified as avitars.
An avitar is an incarnation of a diety. Two important Hindu avitars are:
        1.) Krishna
        2.) Rama

16.) What Hindu text is most closely associated with bhakti- marga?
The jnana marga is the most closely associated text witht the bhakti- marga.

17.) Identify three aspects of Hindu devotional life:
        1.) Household and Villiage rituals
        2.) Holy places
        3.) Veneration of the ever present and much adored sacred cows.

18.) How did Mahatma Gandi influence Hinduism?
Gandi served as a social and political reformer fo the Hindu people. He is also well known for his prominent role as a relligious reformer. He mae many efforts to stand up to oppression through non- violence and civil disobedience.

19.) What significant changes in the caste system took place in the twentieth century?
In 1948, the Indian government "officially forbade discrimination against outcastes" (untouchables).

20.) What  is sati? What is it's status today?
Sati is the Indian practice of burning a widoe, after her husband dies. Sati does still occur, although (luckly) it is a very rare occurance.

21.)  What significant development occured in relations between Hindu and Muslims in 1947?
In 1947, the partition of India separated Hindu's and Muslims into two separate nations. Hindu's were allowed to remain in India, while Muslims were forced to move into Pakistan, separating the Indian people into two separate nations.

1 comment:

    La paradoja virtual y la paradoja divina de confirmar de que los Dioses hindúes no son condenadores de la humanidad (kriya yoga) está a punto de caducar porque mis calumniadores surrealistas de los vórtices virtuales que me exploran esotéricamente desde el año de 1,992 con la complicidad de mis vecinos contiguos a mi casa (son raksasas) y de las bandas de secuestradores de mi colonia quienes los protegen por ser razas arias de los tales están a punto de destruir la paz del mundo desde el año 2,012 pero ahora es culminante. Diosa hindú Radhá, mis calumniadores insisten de difamarme de violador sexual masoquista sin importarles a mi altruismo de haber alcanzado la paz del mundo por mis encarnaciones divinas de los Dioses aborigenes del mundo y del hinduismo como tambien del cristianismo y de los extraterrestres que incluye de mi nacion Guatemala por mi apología sexual de resarcirme masoquistamente por mis secuaces sexuales flatulentas de mi masturbacion recatada y abnegada del coito, por la cual, me calumniaron de violador sexual por infructuoso sexualmente con la excusa de difamarme de prevaricador quien decían que era un payaso macabro que juega con las emociones de la gente para inferirme con la calumnia de violador sexual por una necrofilia voyeurista popular frustrada por los tales. Los tales son envidiosos de mi personalidad humana más que de mi personalidad divina adquirida. La Vírgen Santa María del cristianismo no se da a vastos con ayudarme porque está socavada.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
